英語教材Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners Grade 1 7冊 \r\rComplete set of 7 books:\r1. Spell and Write\r2. Reading\r3. Math\r4. Science\r5. Geography\r6. Critical thinking\r7. Grammar & Punctuation\r\r- Features of these books:\r Clear content system, very suitable for children's self-study. The creators of this workbook have added a lot of little tips to help parents tutor their children at home.\r. The book series provides children with all knowledge from spelling, writing, reading, grammar as well as knowledge of Mathematics, Geography, Science and Critical Thinking.\r The exercises are very simple and easy to understand. The answer is at the end of the book, very easy to use .\r\r◎諸注意\r沖縄、北海道離島などは送料別途1500円請求いたします。ご理解の上ご入金手続きお願いいたします。\r海外の出版物は製本、紙質、印刷、商品の取り扱いなどは日本のものと比べ品質の差がある場合がございます。国際輸送で、本と箱に多少の擦れ、凹み、小キズ、汚れ、潰れがある場合があります。マイヤペン対応版絵本はたまに音声が出ないか違う音声が流れる箇所があります。完璧を求める方はご購入をお控えください。
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>洋書 |
商品の状態: | 新品、未使用 |
配送料の負担: | 送料込み(出品者負担) |
配送の方法: | 佐川急便/日本郵便 |
発送元の地域: | 東京都 |
発送までの日数: | 4~7日で発送 |

Evan-Moor | Educational Resources, E-books & Workbooks for School

Skill Sharpeners: Science, Grade 1 Workbook

Evan-Moor | Educational Resources, E-books & Workbooks for School

Amazon.com: Skill Sharpeners Grammar and Punctuation, Grade 3

Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners: Geography, Grade 1 Activity Book
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